Published Data Registry

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Title ▾AuthorsJournalPublication year
Direct neuronal reprogramming of NDUFS4 patient cells identifies the unfolded protein response as a novel general reprogramming hurdleSonsalla G, Malpartida AB, (...), Masserdotti GNeuron2024
Differential Role of Factor XIII in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Ischemic Stroke(Open Access) Traub J, Weber MS, Frey ABiomedicines2024
Diet-dependent regulation of TGFβ impairs reparative innate immune responses after demyelination.Bosch-Queralt M, Cantuti-Castelvetri L, (...), Simons MNature Metabolism2021
CSF and venous blood flow from childhood to adulthood studied by real-time phase-contrast MRI(Open Access) Sahoo P, Kollmeier JM, (...), Dreha-Kulaczewski SChilds Nervous System2024
Correction: Heterogeneity of neurons reprogrammed from spinal cord astrocytes by the proneural factors Ascl1 and Neurogenin2(Open Access) Kempf J, Knelles K, (...), Masserdotti GCell Reports2021
Coordinated neurostimulation promotes circuit rewiring and unlocks recovery after spinal cord injuryVan Steenbergen V, Burattini L, (...), Bareyre FMJournal of Experimental Medicine2022
Congenic expression of poly-GA but not poly-PR in mice triggers selective neuron loss and interferon responses found in C9orf72 ALS.(Open Access) LaClair KD, Zhou Q, (...), Edbauer DActa Neuropathologica2020
Concurrent axon and myelin destruction differentiates X‐linked adrenoleukodystrophy from multiple sclerosis(Open Access) Bergner CG, Genc N, (...), Stadelmann CGlia2021
Completion of neuronal remodeling prompts myelination along developing motor axon branchesWang M, Kleele T, (...), Brill MSJournal of Cell Biology2021
Coming to the Rescue: Regulatory T Cells for Promoting Recovery After Ischemic StrokeZhang Y, Liesz A, Li PStroke2021