Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Targeted metabolomics revealed changes in phospholipids during the development of neuroinflammation in Abcd1tm1Kds mice and X‐linked adrenoleukodystrophy patients(Open Access) Kettwig M, Klemp H, (...), Gärtner JJournal of Inherited Metabolic Disease2021
Heterogeneity of neurons reprogrammed from spinal cord astrocytes by the proneural factors Ascl1 and Neurogenin2(Open Access) Kempf J, Knelles K, (...), Masserdotti GCell Reports2021
Plasma lipidomics of monozygotic twins discordant for multiple sclerosis.(Open Access) Penkert H, Lauber C, (...), Simons MAnnals of Clinical and Translational Neurology2020
Multiple inducers and novel roles of autoantibodies against the obligatory NMDAR subunit NR1: a translational study from chronic life stress to brain injury.(Open Access) Pan H, Steixner-Kumar AA, (...), Ehrenreich HMolecular Psychiatry2020
Granulins Regulate Aging Kinetics in the Adult Zebrafish Telencephalon.(Open Access) Zambusi A, Pelin Burhan Ö, Di Giaimo R, Schmid B, Ninkovic JCells2020
Oligodendrocytes Provide Antioxidant Defense Function for Neurons by Secreting Ferritin Heavy Chain.Mukherjee C, Kling T, (...), Simons MCell Metabolism2020
Congenic expression of poly-GA but not poly-PR in mice triggers selective neuron loss and interferon responses found in C9orf72 ALS.(Open Access) LaClair KD, Zhou Q, (...), Edbauer DActa Neuropathologica2020
Formation of somatosensory detour circuits mediates functional recovery following dorsal column injury.(Open Access) Granier C, Schwarting J, (...), Bareyre FMScientific Reports2020
Myelin replacement triggered by single-cell demyelination in mouse cortex(Open Access) Snaidero N, Schifferer M, Mezydlo A, Zalc B, Kerschensteiner M, Misgeld TNature Communications2020
Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity.(Open Access) Cantuti-Castelvetri L, Ojha R, (...), Simons MScience2020