Published Data Registry

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Title ▾AuthorsJournalPublication year
Oligodendrocytes Provide Antioxidant Defense Function for Neurons by Secreting Ferritin Heavy Chain.Mukherjee C, Kling T, (...), Simons MCell Metabolism2020
Oligodendrocytes and neurons contribute to amyloid-β deposition in Alzheimer's disease(Open Access) Sasmita AO, Depp C, (...), Nave KbioRxiv2023
Oligodendrocyte precursor cells sculpt the visual system by regulating axonal remodeling(Open Access) Xiao Y, Petrucco L, Hoodless LJ, Portugues R, Czopka TNature Neuroscience2022
Olfactory transmucosal SARS-CoV-2 invasion as a port of central nervous system entry in individuals with COVID-19(Open Access) Meinhardt J, Radke J, (...), Heppner FLNature Neuroscience2021
Notch-mediated re-specification of neuronal identity during central nervous system development(Open Access) Engerer P, Petridou E, (...), Godinho LCurrent Biology2021
NMDAR1 autoantibodies amplify behavioral phenotypes of genetic white matter inflammation: a mild encephalitis model with neuropsychiatric relevance(Open Access) Arinrad S, Wilke JBH, (...), Ehrenreich HMolecular Psychiatry2021
Niwaki Instead of Random Forests: Targeted Serial Sectioning Scanning Electron Microscopy With Reimaging Capabilities for Exploring Central Nervous System Cell Biology and Pathology(Open Access) Schifferer M, Snaidero N, Djannatian M, Kerschensteiner M, Misgeld TFrontiers in Neuroanatomy2021
Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity.(Open Access) Cantuti-Castelvetri L, Ojha R, (...), Simons MScience2020
Neuronal replacement: Concepts, achievements, and call for caution(Open Access) Götz M, Bocchi RCurrent Opinion in Neurobiology2021
Neural stem cells restore myelin in a demyelinating model of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease.(Open Access) Gruenenfelder FI, McLaughlin M, (...), Edgar JMBrain2020